The 2024-25 NSW Budget will help open Western Sydney to the world, with more than $1 billion for roads connecting people and communities with the new International Airport and Bradfield City Centre.
Connecting Western Sydney International Airport, which is due to open in 2026, to communities is a key priority of the Minns Labor Government, and this commitment builds on recently announced funding for the same roads by the Australian Government.
Elizabeth Drive, which will take travellers directly to the new airport and connect major arteries of Mamre and Northen Roads, will see the state contribute $400 million for a long-awaited upgrade into a four-lane divided road.
This takes the total funding for Elizabeth Drive to $800 million in partnership with the Federal Government, after 12 years of announcements but no action under the Liberal government.
An additional $500 million will allow the next stage of construction to begin on Mamre Road between Erskine Park and Kemps Creek.
Mamre Road, a key freight route and zone for commercial development, will be widened with extra lanes to meet future growth, providing upgraded and new intersections and a new shared path for cyclists and pedestrians.
This Budget investment takes total Federal-State funding of Mamre Road to $1 billion.
The 2024-25 NSW Budget provides $115 million for Mulgoa Road to see a separated four-lane dual carriageway between Glenmore Park and Jeanette Street.
And $10.5 million for Appin Road will provide an upgraded intersection at St Johns Road, building a stronger connection from Wollongong and the South Coast to Campbelltown and the Western Sydney Airport precinct.
This budget continues work on the M12, a critical link which is under construction.
And we’re getting on with planning for the Eastern Ring Road and Badgerys Creek South Road – key future projects for the airport.
The two roads will connect to create the long-term north-south corridor east of the airport. The Eastern Ring Road will perform a major freight function and ultimately create a further connection for bus services into the airport.
Planning and construction will be staged and sequenced to ensure the road network meets growth and travel demand.
Western Sydney is the fastest-growing region in the country, with a population expected to grow from two million to three million people over the next two decades.
The 2024-25 NSW Budget guarantees these critical roads advance by matching federal funding.
This is part of the Minns Labor Government’s plan to build better communities for NSW. To ensure we’re building infrastructure which produces stronger, well-connected communities.
A plan to build a better NSW.